Dave O’brien

Site Manager BSL

35 years’ experience in Manager and Superintendent positions in Operations & Maintenance disciplines. Working on several major sites locally, remotely, and overseas.

Dave started with Aestec as our Auxiliary Projects and Maintenance Manager in February 2022. Dave has since been appointed to the Site Manager position at Boyne Smelters Limited, overseeing general maintenance, plumbing, civil and buildings, production refurbishment activities and various site capital projects.

Dave has a wide range of experience over many industry disciplines. These include fixed plant and mobile maintenance, wharf/port operations, contractor leadership, shutdown management, maintenance planning and senior operational leadership of large complex refineries. He has worked for Rio Tinto, Newcrest Mining, Alcan, and his working life began in the Royal Australian Navy as an apprentice.

Dave delivers a passionate leadership style and promotes strong values and behaviours within his teams.

“You will only get out of your people what you are willing to put into them”